Thursday, 4 August 2011

IBM 24R1922 LTO Tape

The IBM 95P2020 is an LTO-3 tape cartridge that is  compatible with LTO-3 and LTO-4 tape drives and autoloaders.  The IBM LTO-3 95P2020 has a 400 GB native and 800 GB compressed capacity. With transfer rates ranging from 80  MB/s to 160 MB/s, data can be transferred to and from the IBM 95P2020 tape faster than most hard disk drives. The 95P2020 LTO-3 tape media also features the LTO-CM (Linear Tape Open  Cartridge Memory) just like all other LTO  tapes. This allows users with an LTO-CM reader to view the tape's past usage history as well as any errors etc that  might have been encountered whilst using the tape. IBM has done extensive  testing to ensure that these cartridges have maximum performance and minimum  data loss. The data longevity is also thoroughly tested so you may rest assured  that this 95P2020 tape media will  last a good length of time.
LTO Barcode Labels

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